
  • The Dee Army: The Unnaturally Terrible Plan of Not-Giving-Candy

    Halloween, unfortunately, cannot be as simple as hi-here's-your-candy-and-happy-Halloween. [oneshot] [fanfiction off Kirby: The Dee Army which I don't own]

  • Leap Through the Rip

    -AU- Meta Knight. Prisoner of Nightmare. He's going to leap through every opportunity he finds, leap through all available rips in their plans, just for the sake of escaping, but nothing is going to be easy. From the start of his escape to the end of it. T for swearing, blood, deaths, all that.

  • Minion: A Few Hundred Drastic Changes Under King Kirby

    [Sequel to 100 Ways of Ridding of Boredom] The unfortunate accident that occurred in Castle Dedede resulted in Kirby earning the title of the king. And under him, there will be many drastic changes. But mostly, they're still wandering around doing stupid stuff. T for swearing and really mild violence.