Ryuuji finds himself dragged into a game of softball by Minori, along with Taiga, Yusaku and Ami. The tall, blue-haired boy is determined to make himself look like a skilled player in front of the redhead. Unfortunately, his athletic skills aren't exactly up there with his domestic household ones - as his friends find out the hard way...
Way before all she would have to deal with in her teenage years, young Tohru Honda would innocently spend her childhood living in harmony with her mother - and happily playing with a certain creature that would come over to their house each day to play. How oblivious the little girl was to the significance such a creature would have on her life in the future... One-shot.
After recovering from her traumatic ordeal the year before, Kate Marsh is feeling a lot better. The young religious girl is happily spending Easter Sunday with the amateur photograph who saved her life, cherishing her company and helping her to take her next picture… Easter one-shot, platonic Max and Kate friendship story.
Futaro prepares to spend his entire Sunday studying as usual - despite the fact it’s Easter. This day which is usually filled with bunnies and chocolate eggs is usually a dreary one for the poor young man’s family - but things could change this year when he and Raiha have an unexpected visitor…
Max Caulfield had always been a shy child. She always spent her time alone without a friend to bond with - and constantly being and easy target for bullies. That all changed, however, when a certain tough girl entered the meek youth’s life… Set before the events of the first game.
Alex Chen faces up to her worst adversary yet! It is without a doubt the most terrifying being that the youth has ever faced in her young life. She is determined not to let it frighten her off, as her fearsome foe has something in its clutches is determined to get her hand on, no matter how risky it is for her to face up to this blood-thirsty creature...
Groundskeeper Willie's tractor breaks down in the road on a wet rainy day. All he wants to do is get home to his beloved shack. Barney offers to help him out, but will the hot-tempered Scotsman regret accepting a lift from this infamous looney?
At long last, the day of Nagasumi Michishio and Sun Seto's wedding is here. The pair have had to overcome many tough-to-face obstacles during their engagement, but finally, they are about to be married. The ceremony where everyone in their life gathers to witness the two of them becoming husband and wife goes as well as expected... One-shot.
Ryuuji finds himself dragged into a game of baseball by Minori, along with Taiga, Yusaku and Ami. The tall, blue-haired boy is determined to make himself look like a skilled player in front of the redhead. Unfortunately, his athletic skills aren't exactly up there with his domestic household ones - as his friends find out the hard way...
After a long hard day of fighting against their enemies, Kirito and Asuna head home for a quiet night-in - which the young warrior plans to make special for the girl he loves by cooking for her for a change. Will his culinary skills be enough to impress her and make the night ahead a wonderfully romantic one?
The brave hero journeys to rescue the beautiful princess from the tower she is being held captive in. On his arrival, he discovers the dangerous creature keeping her captive is far worse than a dragon. It is at this point when this classic plotline engages in some unusual twists... Parody one-shot.
Arthur takes the time to explain to D.W. what a huge responsibility a big brother has to take care of his little sister, no matter how difficult and demanding she may be. Will the little girl who causes her older sibling so much grief and chaos finally learn to respect and look up to him? One-shot.
While hanging out together at Stark's Pond one evening, Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny spot a shooting star soaring over South Park. The four boys don't hesitate to make some wishes for themselves, but will they come true? One-shot.
The brave hero journeys to rescue the beautiful princess from the tower she is being held captive in. On his arrival, he discovers the dangerous creature keeping her captive is far worse than a dragon. It is at this point when this classic plotline engages in some unusual twists... Parody one-shot.
It's Raiha's birthday, and she is celebrating her special day with not only her big brother - but also with the Nakano Quintuplets. To give the young girl a magical special day, all five of the rich siblings have turned up to the Uesugi household to party - much to Futaro's chargin! One-shot.
As she sits all alone with Futaro, Yotsuba overhears him saying how precious she is to him and how ever since they met, he's become a better person, thanks to her. Needless to say, the most eccentric of the Nakano Quintuplets is extremely humbled and moved by her tutor's praise towards her... One-shot.
The brave hero journeys to rescue the beautiful princess from the tower she is being held captive in. On his arrival, he discovers the dangerous creature keeping her captive is far worse than a dragon. It is at this point when this classic plotline engages in some unusual twists... Parody one-shot.
While hanging out together at Stark's Pond one evening, Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny spot a shooting star soaring over South Park. The four boys don't hesitate to make some wishes for themselves, but will they come true? One-shot.
Anakin finds himself being dragged somewhere by Padme, who has a surprise planned for him for Valentine's Day. Since Jedi are forbidden to have attachments, it has to be a surprise which no one else can ever find out about. What does the Senator have planned for her beloved husband? And will the young Jedi like his surprise? Valentine's Day one-shot.
The Doctor has finally reunited with his former travelling companion - Rose Tyler! As the two old friends stand before each other for the first time in a long while, the pretty young woman expresses loving wistful words to the Time Lord stood before her. She has really missed him - or has she?