Shirai Phoenix

  • His Awkward Love

    "This little shit went to the market and got butchered up into bacon." Levi may or may not be the best man to go to when depressed. Collaboration with Eternal White Rose; WE REGRET NOTHING. Just random humor, and some cuteness alert.

  • Septem Peccata Mortalia

    Invidia, Avaritia, Irae, Luxuria, Acedia, Gula, Superbia.

  • Office Hours

    His boss was an asshole for making him work overtime on Christmas, and his boyfriend must have been a saint for being so wonderful. Collab with Eternal White Rose, YAOI, RiRen. Don't read this around your parents.

  • Need

    When Eren's worries and doubts take over his mind, Levi is the only one who can help him forget, if only for a little while. Collaboration with Eternal White Rose, shameless PWP, YAOI