Convenient Alias

  • Slit My Throat

    A mind controlled Clint worries that Loki doesn't trust him. Loki does his best to convince his dear hawk otherwise.

  • Golden Girl

    "Sif wasn't in love with Thor, but she knew she could be. She could see the appeal in a clean ending. Why was Loki the one who was giving her doubts?" Or, why did Loki steal Sif's hair anyways? Containing ThorSif and LokiSif.

  • Having Heart

    "Loki stared into Clint's eyes. Blue into blue. Like into like." An exploration of what could have happened while Clint was in Loki's service. Background Clintasha.

  • An Interesting Purchase

    Akiyama is cast out of the Liar Game in extreme debt. Yokoya takes advantage of the situation to make a certain proposal to Nao.

  • Pranking After Death

    On his way to give himself up to Voldemort, Harry attempts to use the Resurrection Stone with unexpected results.

  • Coeruleus

    There was a little voice that constantly whispered in the back of Loki's head, telling him to do things he knew he wasn't supposed to do. Because he was supposed to follow Thanos' orders. Rebellion and questioning his master were not a part of that plan. Mind control fic.

  • Psychoanalysis

    Dr. Rudy Gillen tries to delve into the mind of a certain prisoner named Johan. The more he sees, the more uneasy he becomes. Canon divergent AU.

  • Father Figures

    Post Ruhenheim, Wim is left worried about his father, still in police custody. Tenma takes him to Dr. Reichwein's house, where nearly everyone else is staying, and he meets Dieter. Dieter can see some parallels between Wim and himself.

  • The Monster Is Not a Shinigami

    Johan finds a Death Note. And he knows just what to do with it-give it to a prospective serial killer he noticed a few years ago in Japan, a certain Light Yagami.

  • In Which Nick Doesn't Drink

    "I have been drunk just twice in my life, and the second time was that afternoon…" –Nick Carraway. Or, the one where Gatsby tends to get drunk and Nick doesn't, and Gatsby thinks that is just a shame.

  • Unsought Revelations

    "Most of the confidences were unsought-frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon..." In which Nick tries to stop people from pouring out their hearts to him, and mostly fails.

  • Justify

    AU. Tenma chooses to save the mayor instead of Johan on that fateful night in the hospital. Now he can't escape the guilt of knowing that a young boy's death is on his head. Oneshot.

  • Four Dances

    In which Daisy Buchanan dances with a few different partners, and tries to figure out what kind of dance partner she actually wants. No real plot, mostly fluff. Oneshot.

  • First Impressions and Hangovers

    Gatsby wakes up the day after a party with a terrible hangover. Also, he's not in his room. Actually, he's not in his own house. He'd probably be more worried about this if not for the headache. Oneshot.

  • I Could Fly All Day

    Harry and Ron compete in a contest to see who can stay in the air on a broom longer. (Or at least, that was what was supposed to happen. But plans always go so awry at Hogwarts.) Written for a challenge on the For the Love of Harry Potter forums.