So this is an unfinished work, but it's good enough for me to say it's pretty done. it also takes place before college warning: masturbation perrycest terry and terri perry mu monsters university
Wrench and Numbers get caught in a snow storm while finishing a job for Fargo. Wrenchers Fluff
Slyfoxhound x Tammy Bowdrie er uberhaxornova. In the office of the creatures.
Apart of a story of Two watchdogs, one formally in war still (Curtie-the-watchdog.tumblr)and the other at home (A Nameless watchdog who was revealled also as Jeremy in the original blog) with their cute, adopted, moody, little watchpup (macy-the-watchpup.tumblr). This is a RP of two wander over yonder muns (rinnysega.tumblr and failurezismeh.tumblr) on skype converted into a fanfic