Louise Hargadon

  • Thrall

    Set immediately after Damon's existential crisis scene in S2E12. Reeling from what he has done, Damon returns to the Grill to drown his sorrows. He meets an intriguing woman at the bar and decides that a few days with her is exactly what he needs to forget his troubles. But who is compelling who, and will either of them win their game of cat-and-mouse?

  • Date La Vuelta

    Set during the Season 3 finale and immediately after THAT bust-up between Benny and Jason. Benny storms into the nearest bar to clear his head. As luck would have it, the lady at the bar with a notepad and glass of bourbon proves to be the unexpected and refreshing distraction he needs - until she calls him a few days later with a surprising proposition. Benny/OC.

  • Thicker than Blood

    An unexpected visitor from Aramis' past crashes into The Musketeers' world and quickly becomes embroiled in a deadly mission to protect the Queen. Aramis/Anne, Athos/OC. **FINALLY COMPLETE!**

  • Forget-Me-Not

    Oneshot. Set at the end of Episode 1.01. Porthos carries Athos home, where Athos dreams a deep, drunken sleep in which he is always unable to escape his past and the memory of the one woman he ever loved.

  • Fishing Friday

    Very silly oneshot. To Michaela's surprise, Preston arrives unannounced at the homestead. Even more surprisingly, she discovers that he has planned an afternoon's adventure with Sully...

  • As Long As We Remember

    Slight A/U oneshot. Losing the Professor hits Ginger very hard indeed. Gilligan offers her a much-needed shoulder to cry on, as only Gilligan can. Warnings for character death, although the story is set after the fact.

  • Heart of Stone

    Sequel to Heart of Gold. Season 7 AU. The promise of a mysterious package arriving for him on the Boston train finally gives Preston a reason to hope that his financial life will improve once more. When it arrives, he realises that nothing about any aspect of his life will ever be the same again. Preston/OC. **FINALLY COMPLETE!**

  • Coke

    Short, fluffy missing scene type oneshot from Episode 1.10, Asylum. Dean and Kat have both had a lousy day, and all they want is a well-deserved drink. Kat quickly discovers, however, that although you can't always get what you want, you do sometimes get exactly what you need...

  • Two-Step Tommy

    Very silly Movie-Verse Oneshot. Frankie and Bob overhear an argument between Tommy and Nick which, as expected, gets out of hand. Tommy's frustrated and Nick is furious - but is all really as it seems? Rated for language, but if you've seen the show or the movie you should be expecting it anyway.

  • Personal Space

    Post-Episode 3.16 missing scene oneshot. After another day out teaching Henry to navigate by the stars, Hook drops the lad back home and finds himself getting a little too close to Emma. Emma/Killian, Captain Swan type fluff.