
  • The Battle of Wills and Wands

    The Elder Wand demands to be used.

  • Percy and his Protégé

    Before Hogwarts with Harry and Ron, there was Percy. Percy broke rules and taught Hermione how to do the same.

  • Dementor of Souls

    The Soul Healer became the Demented, and then the Dementor of Souls. Eventually, he was known as the First Dementor.

  • The Winner Takes it All

    Fred and George had competitions to try and find something that would make it easier for others to recognise which was which. They weren't needed anymore.

  • Friendship is not a Pureblood Trait

    There are many things taught within a Pureblood household.

  • Changes

    Theo had observed many things during his time at Hogwarts, some of which he did nothing about. Now he's changing that.

  • Hope and Family

    Dreams can sometimes turn into reality.

  • Dreams

    The boy in the cupboard has dreams, the man in the light has seen them die.

  • Walking in the Dark

    She checked in on their old home occasionally. Both of them waited until they would be needed again.

  • The Farewell

    They knew him and they accompanied him to his death.

  • The Far Corner

    There is a corner in the Hogwarts library.

  • Plants are not just Plants

    She wanted to make him see.

  • Looking Ahead to Joy

    There was more to see than just Britain.

  • Overcoming Fear in Death

    Although she was dead, that didn't mean she couldn't be afraid.

  • No Longer Children

    They had seen too much to be children any longer.

  • Eternity to See

    Death is everywhere and everywhen, there is an eternity to explore.

  • Perfect Until Broken

    He was perfect and he was hers.

  • Follow the Pattern

    Frank Bryce has patterns that he follows, he wished he had not broken one of them due to a light in a window.

  • To Understand

    Luna Lovegood finds it hard to understand the world around her and her father finds ways to help.

  • Warding off Wrackspurts

    Ginny is struggling with her memories of her first year and Tom Riddle, Luna might be able to help with that.