
  • Helga Hufflepuff - The Corrupter

    Helga Hufflepuff was a calm and gentle person. Her colleagues were a different matter. Slowly, she corrupted them all.

  • Believe and Breathe

    Luna was always able to see the wonders, there were no walls stopping her. Harry had only known the walls his entire life until a strange girl showed him the way out.

  • The Calm Inside the Storm

    Severus has a storm raging inside of him but he's also found shelter.

  • The Summer's Over and We're Itchin' to Go

    Drabbles written for the Back to School event over at the Hogwarts Forum.

  • Two Sides of the Same Sirius

    AU. Sirius Black is the ultimate spy, one that no one knows exists.

  • Tuney and Petunia

    Lily and Tuney are as close as they can be. Then Magic happens and Lily goes away while Tuney turns into Petunia.

  • Molly's Mistake

    Charlie is at the Burrow with his platonic boyfriend, Molly assumes the worst. Ace!Charlie

  • The Keeper and Guardian of Death

    Part 1 of the Keepers and Guardians series. There is a prophecy from long ago that has been lost in translation. That does not mean that it will not come to pass. Different type of MoD!Harry.

  • Charlie Weasley and the Art of Propositioning

    Part of the Impervious Aces series. Charlie is happy at the Romanian Reserve, except for all the females who keep asking for his help. Oneshot.

  • A Pair of Tricksters

    Sam Winchester is injured during a hunt and has to go to Hospital. His father finds a hunt a couple of towns over and wants to take Dean but leave Sam. A doctor by the name of Sexy offers Sam a lollipop and takes Sam to his family. Sam doesn't want to stay with his family. Doctor Sexy offers him a new home. Sam accepts. Sabriel, slight background Destiel Au-ish

  • Amelia Williams and Clara Oswald

    Amy is sitting on her veranda when she gets a call from a very old friend of hers... Set after Angels take Manhattan and is simply an idea that I had at school when I was bored that links Amy and Clara. Oneshot.