
  • Son

    George is heartbroken after the Battle of Hogwarts, and life will never be the same for him. At least he has a reminder of his deceased brother.

  • Nevermore

    Gale Hawthorne wants nothing to do with District 12. But when he's finally forced to return to his homeland, will his entire life crumble away when he confronts old ghosts?

  • Ballroom

    Scipio didn't know how far he'd go for someone, but Prosper opens his eyes to the truth.

  • Friend

    "In the books and in the movies they make it seem like grief makes you numb, that mourning is just something you get through and can't really feel. They make it seem like you're in shock, too dumb to detect the gaping hole in your heart. It's a lie. I feel every bit of this." Callie's POV after Mark's death.

  • A Season of Death

    Stripe is a rogue who lives near the Clans, and is horrified to find herself fallen in love with one, and soon she will find out how much of a mistake she made. Previously posted under my other account, junebugz21.

  • Resurrect

    He never thought he'd be able to live again, but a little penance was all it took for his restoration.

  • Insults, Butterbeer, and Love

    If Oliver Wood knew as much about love as he did Quidditch, maybe he would have better luck in finding the girl of his dreams.

  • Lost in Interpretation

    "Look, it's a win-win situation. You don't have to wait around for whatever prat it was that you were waiting on, and I can eat dinner with you." "Sounds more like a lose-lose." Lost in his own self-hatred, Draco realizes he's not the only one who feels alone sometimes.

  • No News Is Good News

    Despairing and worried, the Twins are in hiding until the war ends.

  • Guess Who?

    The rules are simple: read the riddle, and then guess the character.

  • Yellow Love

    "It's Christmas Eve and I'm at your door and I know we broke up, but I don't want it anymore, so take it." Following a nasty breakup, important decisions arise.

  • Curious Companion

    They were friends out of situation: certainly, in any other world, Dean would not have considered being friends with poor Loony Lovegood. In hindsight, he's glad he is.

  • Lovely Lips

    Seamus Finnigan thinks he likes a girl. After all, she helped save his life.

  • Standing On Yesterday

    Harry's world seems to be falling apart around him, and he can't help but wonder if it's because of him. But can help come from unlikely places?

  • Blue Men

    On the second of May, 1998, Fred Weasley died, leaving a heartbroken family in his wake. In the years following, two of his brothers in particular struggle.

  • Without Ballast

    When Ron discovers the Twins' plan, he's unsure how he should handle the situation as his family spirals in light of recent events.

  • Eight O'Clock

    George doesn't believe he's capable of having a relationship with anyone after Fred's death, paternally or romantically, but a feud with his least favorite brother could somehow solve things.

  • Celebratory Champagne

    Ever since Sirius left home two weeks ago, Narcissa has been lost.

  • Here's to the Losers

    "Today he is alone. He has been for eight months. For eight months, it's been nothing but him and Tom and a bottle of gin." Christmas, 1998.

  • Delusions

    George has never been the same since Fred's death nine years ago. After nearly a decade of alcohol and depression, can he finally come to terms with the fact that he has a problem?