

  • A Thousand Words

    Lois Lane is tired of Clarks secrets and has decided to find out everything about him. What she finds is not what she expected at all.

  • My Lady, My Lord

    When Jon Arryn dies it sparks a rush to Winterfell for more than just the King. Old wounds are opened as new ones begin to heal.

  • Counseling Sessions

    A new counselor is heating things up in OZ.

  • The Many Worlds Theory

    "Penny, while I subscribe to the many worlds theory which posits the existence of an infinite number of Sheldons in an infinite number of universes, I assure you that in none of them am I dancing." So what is he doing? A series of unconnected AU's.

  • The Whole Truth

    When Ava decided enough was enough and tried to leave her husband she didn't think things would go like they did. Now she just has to do her best to get through to the other side by swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help her God.

  • Life Plans

    Sequel to Party Plans. Now that the punishments have been handed out it's time for everyone to begin living in their new reality especially Caroline.

  • Party Plans

    When Klaus hears that the Mystic Falls gang are planning a party he's curious about what they're up to so he gets himself invited. Sort of.