Trajectory of Simplicity

  • Slice of Life

    These are the slices of their lives they give to each other. Maybe one day they can learn to give more. A story of growing closer. Pokemon Adventures. RedYellow. Fluff.

  • Miracles

    That woman is waiting for a miracle and that's perfectly okay. RaynieStocke.

  • Homecoming

    He has to win her heart again. Felix/Jenna sibling fic.

  • Sacrosanct

    She is the Holy Child of Lalivero. Pre-GS. Shebacentric

  • Visions

    She watches him grow, even while knowing he was never hers. HamaIvan Family.

  • Absolute

    Piers smiled a smile that was two-thirds heartbreak and one-third freedom. "I'm glad for you." He meant it. He really did. Post-TLA. Pre-DD.

  • Fidelity

    Tyrell grows up never doubting his father's love and this is why. Post-TLA, Pre-Dark Dawn. GaretTyrell family fic.

  • Adhesive

    Every group has that one person who holds them all together. For them, it's Garet. One-shot.