
  • Insomnia, Mud, and Puking Pastilles

    Hermione can't sleep. When she hears Ron swearing outside, she decides to go see what's wrong. Rated T for minor sexual references. DH spoilers. RH, obviously.

  • Seven Times Hermione Wanted to Snog Ron Senseless

    Full title: Seven Times Hermione Wanted to Snog Ron Senseless, and One Time She Did. Eight canon moments - plus some non-canon bits, but I've tried to make it realistic - third-person, R/H and some H/G in some of the later chapters. Enjoy! T just in case.

  • Princess Rose

    One Shot - Rose has a nightmare, so Hermione tells her a story. Slight Ron/Hermione.

  • Of Librarians and Charter-Skins

    The first time Lirael wore a Charter-skin, everything went to plan. It was taking it off that was the problem.

  • Hallucinatory Episodes

    "...some sort of fever that greatly weakens me and has encouraged hallucinatory episodes..." Three such 'hallucinations'.

  • Unpathed Waters, Undreamed Shores

    Monica and Wendell Wilkins are quite happy with their new life in Sydney, most of the time. Occasionally, though, something about their life seems - well - wrong. Nine days out of the lives of the Wilkins, from June 1997 to May 1998.

  • Letters

    Hermione, sitting by Ron's bedside in HBP, composes a letter in her head. RH. Rated T, just in case. Oneshot.

  • All in the Spirit of Christmas

    A Christmassykinda story involving the twins, pranks, Monty Python, and a statue of Umbridge. Set in OotP. Also a bit of RH, by the way. Reviews are very appreciated!

  • All This Plotting is Making Me Hungry!

    Voldemort sends Wormtail out on a quest to find a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Pointless rubbish, but I reckon it's kind of funny. Definitely, definitely a oneshot this time, so please don't ask or you'll make me feel guilty.