

  • Forever In Love

    A drabble of how they will always be together forever.

  • Adhæsit

    After Bruce leaves most of his fortune to his soon-to-be-son, Richard Grayson, assassins come from right and left trying to kill him. Even after Dick outright declines it, Bruce brings in Young Justice to watch over Dick. After hearing that they think he is nothing but a spoiled brat, however, he isn't going to make it easy on them. (NO PAIRINGS WITH ROBIN) FULL SUMMARY INSIDE

  • Where Are You?

    Kid waits everyday for his dad to come home. But not once did he actually see his dad come through the door, even after fifteen years. Kid waits everyday for his dad to come back from the academy, but as the years progress, he loses hope completely. Only now does he realize what he missed out on all these years.

  • Porcelain

    When Hermione receives word her parents are broke, she does anything to help them out. When she hears of the Porcelain Program, and its pay, it's a deal she can't really refuse. The only problem? She has to sell her body to others. What happens when Draco Malfoy buys her?

  • A Dedication

    Hermione goes to a muggle doctor and is diagnosed with lung cancer. With the cancer slowly killing her body, how long can she keep it from everyone, especially Draco Malfoy, who is now head boy alongside her? A dedication to someone dear to me.

  • Into the Eyes of the Beholder

    The mirror of Erised shows you what you want the most, but twelve year old Fred and George didn't know that. They looked into it and just saw themselves. Now that Fred has died, George is looking into the mirror again, but not with the reflection he'd expect. ONE-SHOT!