
  • Roses of May - The Pink Rose

    Mia always liked flowers. So when bouquets start showing up around the Opéra Garnier, she becomes curious. Who is sending her these flowers - and why can she never see their face? Based on the 1990 Kopit miniseries/musical

  • Scattered Roses

    Dying and being reborn into Jane Eyre's body wasn't exactly what Rose had in mind. Then again, she hadn't exactly planned on dying either. Self-Insert, OC.

  • Holly Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    Harry and Holly Potter, two perfectly ordinary children, learn of their true heritage on their 11th birthday, and have been invited to attend Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. They soon find, however, that the wizarding world is far more dangerous than they would have imagined, and they quickly learn that not all wizards are good.

  • A Promise

    Jellybabies, swings, handkerchiefs and an absent promise to a little girl have bigger effects in his life then the Doctor anticipated.

  • Fallen Snow

    For a few brief moments, Ken couldn't move. His whole body was still as he looked at her. He had known when he had arrived that things could be bad, but he hadn't expected this. Hadn't expected to find her like this. Pale. Still. Cool to the touch. Like snow...