
  • The Devil You Know

    And then… And then she heard it. The abrasive roar of a chainsaw that came before the scything rip of chattering steel. Chainsaw. Izuku Midoriya's macabre of a quirk. A ChainsawDeku / Izuku Midoriya is Chainsaw Man fanfic. Cross-Posted to ArchiveOfOurOwn.

  • Glassy Sky

    Criminals & villains alike lurk in the dark of rainy nights in Japan. They soon learn so does a ghoulish vigilante. Detective Naomasa & Underground Hero Eraserhead try to hunt the ghoul before its hunt lets it discover its place in the food chain of crime. Do they bite off more than they can chew when the ghoul meets a blood loving Himiko Toga? Cross-Posted to ArchiveOfOurOwn.

  • Riddle Of The Bat

    Now a legend as Batman, Izuku Midoriya must balance his life as the owner of a support company with his vigilantism. What he doesn't account for is also having to raise an adoptive daughter during these trying times. All while trying to solve yet another case. A BatDeku / Izuku Midoriya is Batman fanfic. Sequel to Legend Of The Bat. Cross-Posted to ArchiveOfOurOwn.

  • Batto No Densetsu (Legend of the Bat)

    By day, Izuku Midoriya uses the fortune left behind by his late father to woo women and run a support company. By night, he trades one suit for another. A BatDeku / Izuku Midoriya is Batman fanfic. Cross-Posted to ArchiveOfOurOwn.