

  • Adrien

    When Marinette has Adrien over, she likes his kindness, reminding her of Cat Noir. Her mind keeps thinking about Adrien and Cat's similarities. But their different people, right?

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 31: Lazy Day Adrien's Journal

    Sitting on a rooftop, Cat writes the last journal entry of the month.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 30: Ice Cream Adrien's Journal

    It's a hot day in Paris, so Adrien and Marinette keep cool in the heat. Adrienette

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 29: Civilian

    Ladybug shows up at Adrien's after a bad night of nightmares.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 27: Photographs Adrien's Journal

    Adrien finds a box of old photographs and Ladybug stops by and sees Adrien looking at them.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 26: In The Rain

    Cat, feeling restless, takes a walk out in the rain and sees Grandma Gina. Cat takes to Leo's, where Cat tells her how life is going.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 24: Pastries Adrien's Journal

    After entering a pastry contest with Papa Dupain, Adrien notices Marinette is a bit grumpy. Will he be able to help Marinette?

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 22: Milk Wasted Adrien's Journal

    After getting a akuma alert on his phone, Cat is a little annoyed he has to miss painting class and tea time with Mama Cheng.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 21: Cheese Adrien's Journal

    Adrien wants to take a photograph with the Dupain-Cheng and tells Plagg he's nervous. Plagg wonders what the big deal is because Adrien models all the time.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 19: Umbrellas Adrien's Journal

    Cat finishing his bakery shift for the day, heads home in the rain, thinking about memories as sees his changing reflections in the puddles.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 15: Freedom Adrien's Journal

    Finally having a free day, Adrien can do what he likes. But he spend the day in leisure, or helping a love one?

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 14: Risk Taker

    Adrien takes a risk by standing up to his father, but it isn't as easy as he thought it'd be at first.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 13: Cat Walker Adrien's Journal

    When Adrien transforms, he's surprised when he finds out he's Cat Walker, Not Cat Noir. Then he finds Ladybug and tells him about Cat Blanc.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 12: Swap

    Ladybug and Cat Noir switch Kwamis for the day, and Tikki encourages Adrien to use his creative side.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 11 Camembert Adrien's Journal

    Stopping in at Leo's Cheese Store, Cat finds a basket of cheese waiting for him. Will Plagg dive right in? Or does Cat have a better idea at sharing cheese?

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 10: Bad Day Adrien's Journal

    Adrien writes about his bad day in his journal.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 9: Mother Adrien's Journal

    Adrien, missing his mother takes a painting class that Mama Cheng teaches.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 8: Fairytale

    Adrien finds a old chest of dress up clothes in his closet, and Marinette helps him to put them to good use.

  • Adrien Agreste August Day 7: Partners Adrien's Journal

    Cat Noir asks Ladybug what makes a good partner and writes in his journal.

  • Adrien August Day 6: Masks Adrien's Journal

    Sorry for posting late. Adrien talks about masking his emotions in his journal.