

  • Merry Crisis

    This is the final chapter of a chatfic that I posted on Wattpad for Xmas day. Driving you home from the events of Xmas dinner, Deok-su pulls over to get frisky with you in the back of the car.

  • Disquiet

    When the stress of the games gets to you, a friend is there to calm you down. (reupload)

  • Disquiet

    Ali calms you down as you begin to panic.

  • Jacket Thief

    Somebody stole player 101's jacket, and he's gonna find out who.

  • Glass Bridge

    In which you are one among many others who ended up surviving Glass Stepping Stones. In search of clues for the next and final game, you and Deok-Su happen upon the room you had just played in. Both of you have...roughly the same idea. AU: more players survived glass stepping stones Content: limon, reader afraid of heights, manhandling, mentions of death