Random Guise

  • Pong Lessons

    A drabble series that is and isn't about the groundbreaking game Pong - it could alternatively be titled "Everything I Needed to Know in Life I Learned from Pong". My only posting that I'll keep in-progress just in case I have an occasional inspiration for additions later; I'm starting off with 13 lessons and we'll see where it goes.

  • Billy Jack 9: The White House Years

    Based on the lead character from the 1971 movie "Billy Jack", we find the series has moved on from where it last left off. He doesn't turn green, but you don't want to get him angry! I don't own the characters from the film or any turquoise.

  • Double Jeopardy

    The 2018 independent comedy film "Another Version of You" deals with searching for a love in parallel worlds. The movie ended in a teaser - this story wraps it up. Major spoilers if you haven't seen the movie. I don't own the characters from the film or a magical key.

  • Don't Give Away the Homeworld

    Vir Cotto is particularly stung by an insult from Londo Mollari. Or is it an insult? A short based on a great line from the first season episode "Born to the Purple". I don't own these characters or have my own attaché (or even an attaché case).

  • Garden State of Mind

    The term 'manic pixie dream girl' has been applied to the character Samantha in the 2004 movie "Garden State". How would a character react by being called that? I don't own these characters and (luckily) haven't been through a turnpike tollbooth in ages.

  • Only Fifteen

    A possible explanation to the haunting 1967 song "Ode to Billie Joe" or an alternative explanation to the 1976 film. Maybe far-fetched either way. I don't own these characters but I have been to Mississippi.

  • Rock and a Hard Place

    John Mason has a request for Stanley Goodspeed after the events of the 1996 movie "The Rock". I don't own the characters from the movie and I've never owned a Volvo.

  • Zac - Before and After

    A look at the overlooked 1985 sci-fi film "The Quiet Earth". Zac Hobson gets a little more background and company. I don't own these characters and I've never been to New Zealand. Contains references to suicide.

  • Mustang Ernie

    Based on the 1990 movie "Short Time" starring Dabney Coleman. Burt Simpson got his life back in time to enjoy a happy retirement from the Seattle police department. Was there anything more he could have learned? I don't own the movie characters and I've never owned a convertible.

  • Legacies

    A short follow up to the 1968 movie "Hang 'em High", taking place years after the events of the movie. Cooper maintains contact with the man that helped bring to justice the people that tried to lynch him. Sorry for the delay in new stories - life has thrown a few twists this way. I don't own these characters but I DO have internet again.

  • Hats Do Not a Corpse Make

    Based on the 1973 Burt Reynolds movie "White Lightning", with a tie-in to the Jerry Reed song "Amos Moses". A little epilogue to the film that brings the two together. I don't own these characters or a canoe, but thankful for what I DO have.