
  • Lex talionis

    Grudge, risks, lies and atonement in Isobel's odyssey to save Jubal's life. Shortly after the 4th season.

  • La ley del talión

    Encono, riesgos, mentiras y expiación en la odisea de Isobel por salvar la vida de Jubal.

  • Angel feathers

    What happened with Jess still causes me deep sadness. A ONE-SHOT of how I would have preferred things to go. SPOILER ALERT for FBI Most Wanted 3x14 "Shattered".

  • Plumas de ángel

    Lo ocurrido con Jess todavía me causa una profunda tristeza. Un ONE-SHOT de cómo yo habría preferido que fueran las cosas. SPOILER ALERT for FBI Most Wanted 3x14 "Shattered".

  • Between a rock and a hard place

    If there was one thing Jubal was sure of, it was that if they found out he was a federal agent, he was as good as dead.

  • Entre la espada y la pared

    Si de algo estaba seguro Jubal era que, si descubrían que era un agente federal podía darse por muerto.

  • Ripples between the lines

    Hidden between lines of dialogue are furtive unvoiced words, elusive unspoken thoughts, ambushed unacknowledged feelings, combined with a situations that do not appear in the show but could have occurred between Jubal and Isobel.

  • Ondas en el agua

    Una propuesta de momentos perdidos durante y entre episodios. Situaciones que no aparecen en la serie pero podrían haber ocurrido entre Jubal e Isobel. Sencillamente, cómo se afectan el uno al otro con sus palabras y sus actos. Y cómo su relación se transformaría debido a ello. (Añadidas algunas notas del autor en los primeros capítulos)

  • In every color

    During the summer, Jubal goes with his children Tyler and Abigail to spend a weekend at Jess and Tali's house. What he doesn't know is that Isobel is also invited.

  • De todos los colores

    Durante el verano, Jubal va con sus hijos Tyler y Abigail a pasar a pasar un fin de semana a casa de Jess y Tali. Lo que no sabe es que Isobel también está invitada.

  • Bluff

    After the team beat Antonio Vargas, Rina and Jubal go on their date, while Isobel's day continues getting worse. Jubal and Isobel seem further apart than ever, but when she is suddenly in danger, maybe the two of them will be forced to confront what they feel. Picking up right after that last scene, in the elevator, from the end of the third season.

  • Reflections or mirages

    Missing scenes from the fourth season.

  • Reflejos o espejismos

    Más escenas perdidas, pero de la cuarta temporada.