
  • Danganronpa: Fictional Guardians

    12 refugees from other worlds are pulled into an adventure filled with hope, despair, and newfound friendships. Battling Monokumas across multiple locations, this group they form must find a way to shut them down for good. If only it were that easy...

  • Danganronpa: Fictional Epicenter

    The sequel to Danganronpa: Fictional Nexus has begun! 18 participants in a killing game within a strange college campus! Must read Fictional Nexus beforehand.

  • Danganronpa: Fictional Nexus

    Monokuma hosts another killing game, this time with 17 individuals from other worlds. How original. Taking place in Monocity, The City That Never Sleeps... Without One Eye Open. Other Danganronpa characters shall eventually enter the fray to prevent the spread of despair across the fictional multiverse. (Story COMPLETE, move on to Fictional Epicenter and Fictional Guardians)