

  • Leave a Tender Moment Alone

    A mishap at work creates an unusual set of circumstances for Lee and Amanda. Set in Season 1, this AU story is set a week after the events of "Service Above and Beyond." Amanda is still nursing an injured ankle.

  • The Play's the Thing

    An AU one-shot set in the moments following Lee and Amanda's near kiss while "rehearsing" scenes from the play in "All the World's a Stage," the last episode of Season 3.

  • Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

    Lee's erratic behavior puzzles Amanda. What has prompted his latest series of mixed signals? This is the first of a five chapter AU work set in the second half of Season Three. My grateful thanks to Christi for her feedback! All mistakes are my own.

  • Presumptions

    An AU story set during "A Lovely Little Affair" in Season 3. My thanks to Christi for her wonderful beta work! This is my first foray into fan fiction, so be gentle!