Sir Evergreen

  • A Journey To The Ends of The Multiverse (Literally)

    Adam Lurch. Died at the age of 18. Thousands of years later, he is now an Agent of the New Shire. A Dimensional Level Organization, dedicated to protecting the Multiverse. However, after saving a certain red-haired midget, Adam promised to bring her home. But, Cosmic Politics says no. So he opted find another way. A dangerous way...

  • Project Stratification

    What would you do if you wake up in a strange place? A place where even the headmaster of beacon himself isn't invulnerable to its numerous abduction. "Oh well, at least Cinder and her lot ain't here. Might as well watch these stupid films, that is, apparently, a window to another dimension, and see where this thing will go..." - Torchwick,

  • A Dark Lord's New Chapter

    He has been called many things. Adventurer, Slayer of the Dragoon, Knight of Calan, Seneschal of Princess Waltz, Hero of Azurth, Hero of... many titles. But, there is one name that shine brighter than others in his thousand-year reign. The Dark Lord of Reven. And he is, at the moment, bored- "Oh, a 'promising' teleportation spell? Yes, please." - Jaune, The Dark Lord.