
  • Bridesmaid

    The fanart on cover is property of @eternallyreadinggoodthings When his best friend asks Ginevra Weasley to marry him, Draco Malfoy thinks he's absolutely crazy. Even more when Blaise tells him that he will be his best man. When Ginny asks Hermione to be her maid of honor, she agrees, but when the redhead says Malfoy will be Blaise's best man, Hermione is horrified.

  • The Proposal

    Reggere una missione tanto lunga e sfiancante sarebbe stato difficile per chiunque. Con Malfoy poi, sarebbe stato almeno il quintuplo più complicato. Non poteva però immaginare che la situazione sarebbe degenerata tanto. Nello scenario peggiore, aveva pensato di fallire la missione, di non catturare i trafficanti, di essere ferita, o peggio. Mai avrebbe immaginato quella catastrofe

  • Grown

    Hogwarts will host, for New Year's Eve, a ball dedicated to the rebirth of this school. For us, it is symbolically the beginning of a new year, a new life, and a new era. It will be an event that will see you as the main characters because you eight, you Head Boy together, will provide for the organization. Invitations, decorations, music, dinner, everything you need.

  • Parties

    How dare you? she said quietly. Insinuating that I may be bewitched or cursed just because I do something that is not okay with you ... She lowered her voice so much that Hermione had to strain to hear her, hissing like a snake. Do you realize who we are talking about? He and his friend Death Eater who made us suffer more than any other ... That's enough. You know what? It

  • Merry Christmas Draco

    Hermione and Draco are two ambitious Aurors. On the evening of Christmas Eve, they are called to the Ministry for an emergency. A thief managed to enter the Office of Mysteries and enter the Room of Prophecies. The warning, once inside, is clear. Stay away from the unfamiliar rooms. But the Department of Mysteries has something in store for them that will change their lives forever

  • Caramel And Coffee

    "Oh my God, are they caramel and coffee? Say yes please! " "Just them. From what I remember you only like them a little. " "I love them ... I love you, how can you always be so perfect? " She give him a kiss on the cheek.

  • Fake News

    He watched her eat, absorbed in his thoughts before unlocking his cell phone again and watching the news that had kept him awake from the night before. Emma Watson retires to dedicate herself to her boyfriend and start a family? -Fuck you. - He murmured. -Just fuck off. -

  • Parties

    When the Ravenclaws did something it was never "anything special". From the start of the seventh year they regularly threw increasingly illegal parties, and during the day they were always seen running perfectly awake and prepared for lessons. Hermione was starting to wonder if they had made a deal with the Devil or with Voldemort himself and given up on sleep altogether, as they s

  • Undercover

    How was I saying ... Mr. Malfoy here is seriously risking his life. If anyone finds out what he's doing here, they could kill him and his family in a moment. Even talking to us, he puts himself in danger that the Dark Lord might read his mind and find out everything.

  • Merry Christmas Draco

    Hermione and Draco are two ambitious Aurors. On the evening of Christmas Eve they are called to the Ministry for an emergency. A thief managed to enter the Deparments of Mysteries, and enter the Room of Prophecies. The warning, once inside, is clear. Stay away from the rooms they don't know. But the Department of Mysteries has something in store for them that will change their live

  • Dancing With The Devil

    "If Weasley is no longer your partner, it will mean that no one can blame me if I invite you to dance. " Hermione nearly choked on the last sip she was taking, and coughed in embarrassment as he grinned. "Congratulations Hermione. " She said to herself. "A man invites you to dance after years and what are you doing? The idiot. "

  • Undercover

    "As I was saying… Mr. Malfoy here is seriously risking his life. If anyone finds out what he's doing here, they could kill him and his family right now. Even talking to us, he puts himself in danger that the Dark Lord might read his mind and find out everything. " Hermione alternated her gaze between that and Malfoy. Had she cursed him? Was Dumbledore under Imperio? "You must know,

  • All Night, All Life

    Follow-up to the One-Shot "Amoris Murmurant". Hermione nodded with a sigh. "Yes, it seems so strange to me that Gryffindors ask me to say hello to Malfoy so naturally. I have to be honest, I thought you were going to kill me the first time you saw us in the hall together. " Harry burst out laughing. "The only one who risked a heart attack was me Herm. Ron didn't care at the time ei

  • Amoris Murmurant (it)

    Da quando erano tornati a Hogwarts infatti, i loro battibecchi non avevano accennato a diminuire anzi. Ogni corridoio in cui si incontravano era un pretesto per scambiarsi qualche abitudinaria frecciatina. Che finissero in Infermeria invece era meno frequente. In quanto alunni del settimo anno e reduci da una guerra infatti quasi tutti sapevano decisamente tenere una bacchetta in m

  • Amoris Murmurant

    Since they returned to Hogwarts their squabbles never stopped, on the contrary. Every corridor they met was an excuse to exchange a few habitual digs. It was less common for them to end up in the infirmary, as seventh year pupils and veterans of a war, in fact, almost everyone knew how to hold a wand in their hand and master spells of a certain level, so haunt each other every day