Erica Amidala

  • In the Name of Love

    Characters thoughts during the great feast before leaving Hogwarts after GoF. A songfic to the song "Pride" by U2

  • Pandora's Box

    Character monologue. Summer after GoF. Using the myth mentioned above. ^

  • Bartender- A drabble

    This is my drabble for Flourishes challenge. Its about a character not normally used

  • Crucio: An essay in pain

    Monologue (do I ever do anything else as of late?) about well...you can guess from the title. Deals with (what may be to some) mature themes dealing with god.

  • Once Upon A Time

    Character monologue after GoF, not someone usually done. Deals with some mature themes.

  • How Voldie is Responsible for the Election Chaos

    Look at the title! Its all HIS fault!

  • Long Way Down

    Sirius POV, a song-fic to Goo Goo Dolls "Long Way Down"

  • Constant Vigilance-Mad-Eye Moody's Story~

    Read the title.

  • Reasons

    A pillowfight, an explanation of why Remus isn't Harry's godfather.

  • Respect for the Dead

    Takes place directly after GoF. Answers a few questions and is a Dumbledore monologue.

  • Outside Look-- An Albus Dumbledore Story

    A short story that takes place before Voldermorts fall... It can't be easy being the pillar of strength for everyone.

  • Tears in Heaven

    This is a Neville Song-Fic about him visiting his parents. Its a bit depressing, pretty angsty. PLEASE R/R!

  • You'll Be In My Heart

    My very first song-fic. Its about Dumbledore and Harry on the night of Voldermorts (Temporary) fall...I don't think its been done to often. I hope you like it!