

  • Ten Years Gone

    Ever since that first doctor's appointment back when he was six, Stiles' greatest wish is that his mom never would have gotten sick. He's always wondered how different his life would be if she was still alive. But when he wakes up to find his wish has come true, he's not sure whether this life is better. Or if he can even go back to how things were before.

  • Letharia Vulpina: A Coda in Three Parts

    Episode tag for season 3's Letharia Vulpina, filling in the gap between episode 19 and 20.

  • Damnatio Memoriae Remix

    Damnatio Memoriae Remix (You Rush a Miracle Man, You Get Rotten Miracles). Damnatio Memoriae slightly tweaked so that Scott is also paralyzed in the tunnel, forcing him and Stiles to have that conversation.

  • Newt Warfare

    When giant salamanders take over Atlantis while Sheppard's team is off-world, it falls to Doctor Zelenka to save the day. Except he's not sure he's cut out for this kind of heroism.

  • Second Shot

    It was stupid that Stiles followed Rafe McCall without telling anyone. It was stupider that he stepped in front of the bullet meant for the FBI agent. It's stupidest that they got locked in the back of a moving truck. Or, Stiles is starting to wonder if getting shot twice before he even starts FBI training is some kind of sign.

  • Deeds Less Valiant

    Scott and Stiles, hungover. Written for Scottuary 2022 (Part 2 of 4). Prompt: Pain Taking Aftershocks.

  • While the Company is True

    Scott spends some time with Stiles after he gets his wisdom teeth out. Written for Scottuary 2022 (Part 1 of 4). Prompt: First Time Taking Pain.