

  • Like Lightning in a Bottle

    When Holly Trevelyan arrives in Haven, Everyone is a little surprised that the Herald's sister is a mage. To add to the surprise Cullen finds himself charmed by her, and Holly finds him equally enchanting. Thanks to trianglebird4 for beta reading!

  • Sebastian's Cooking Lesson

    Hawke teaches Sebastian how to cook, and thinks that a simple soup is a good place to start

  • Sunshine and Bloodstains

    After escaping the Vault, and almost immediately being attacked by raiders, Butch decides it's probably for the best to follow Liz around as he gets used to the surface, and she causes her own brand of trouble. The rough life of the wasteland leads them to seeing beyond not just the walls of the Vault, but their own personal walls.

  • My Turn To Ask

    Shepard is not dealing with the arrival of the Reapers, and the following events well at all. Joker tries to be there for her.

  • Homecoming

    After being away for years, Queen Beatrix Cousland returns to Denerim with the cure for the Calling. She and Alistair share a very tear-filled, but very happy reunion.

  • Sleepless Night

    Beatrix can't sleep, so she spends some time with Alistair

  • The Roses

    Alistair gives Beatrix a gift before she leaves to search for the cure for the Calling.

  • Better Than Shore Leave

    After dealing with the Collectors, Shepard takes the Normandy to the Citadel so the crew can have some much needed shore leave. She and Joker decide that maybe staying aboard the Normandy is a better idea than going out. Set between the fall of the Collector base and before the Arrival DLC.

  • Archery Lessons

    Sebastian stops by the estate while Hawke is attempting to practice archery. He decides to help.

  • Perfect For You

    Graham spots something while shopping with Vivienne that immediately reminds him of Dorian.

  • Cullen's Time Off

    This is what I wrote for Kemvee for the DA Gift Exchange. It's about what Cullen needs most, some time off.

  • Return To Those Lost

    Bethany and Hawke are finally able to return to Lothering and where Carver died to set up proper memorials

  • The Morning After

    Alistair and Beatrix share breakfast in bed the morning after their wedding.

  • A Bottle of Over Priced Whiskey

    After the Collectors attack the SR-2, and Joker is forced to unshackle EDI, Shepard forces him to have a much needed heart to heart about, well, damn near everything that has happened. More than she was expecting ends up coming out into the open.