

  • Impetus Infitialis Magicae

    Harrier Potter, defeated Voldemort not by dint of magic skill, but inherent anti-magical aura causing Voldemort's ritual to blow up in his face. Now separated at birth and trained for the next decade to the be the next mage killer of the Unspeakables, Britannia's first and last line of defense against the Outsiders and magical anomalies, Harry must try to survive what is to come.

  • Team 37

    A Naruto AU Fic without Naruto as the main character. It follows Ochagakure, the hidden village of tea, and a caste of characters that unveils deeply held secrets from the time of Sage of Six Paths and his war with the gods. Secrets that will set forward the next great shinobi war and consequences that will change the very nature of what it to be human.