
  • The Winner Takes It All

    When you think about it, marriage, courtship, society, fashion—they're all basically a game where rule compliance is not guaranteed. What happens if some of the players decide to take on different roles or positions in the great game? (One-Shot)

  • That Explains Everything

    (REMOVED FOR PUBLICATION) Colonel Fitzwilliam's revelation about Mr. Darcy's interference does NOT send Elizabeth Bennet into a fit of headache and bad feelings. In fact, it offers some relief, because it explains EVERYTHING. It makes everything perfectly clear and tells her exactly how to act.

  • The Retirement Plan

    Fitzwilliam Darcy's attention is already QUITE fixed on Elizabeth Bennet before he ever arrives at the Meryton Assembly. Why? Let's find out in this humorous little tale. This is an AU short story crossover with Bladerunner with some moderately bad language.

  • The Night Before Netherfield

    Here's a little holiday poem for your reading pleasure.