

  • Cold Moon

    The Wild Hunt rides and Sarah finds herself hunted down and caught in a game where rules don't exist. This could be considered a companion piece to Ostara if you want. You can also enjoy it as a stand-alone story.

  • Anam Cara

    Sarah is brought back to the Labyrinth to help heal the Goblin King who suffers from a mysterious ailment. She soon discovers his is a malady of the soul and heart, not easily remedied by conventional or even magical treatments. Can she find the one thing, the one person, who can reverse the curse and save him before time runs out? Romance, Slow Burn, Plot Twist

  • All I Want

    Professor! Steve Rogers sees a lot of potential in a new student. One that he would like to explore, but professional and societal expectations have ways of keeping us from what we want. Inspired by the movie Secretary.

  • The Thorns Which It Bears

    Sarah dreams of the Labyrinth. Jareth dreams of having her. Her dreams become a nightmare as she is pursued night after night by the man she once refused. Will she be able to escape? To resist him once more and keep her freedom? Will she want to?