
  • They talked

    Merlin and Artur don't have to keep waiting. What is if they can act and do the things like they want without pressure of Camelot. What would be if they had the future knowledge in the past? Confident Artur and Merlin. *****I don't own Merlin(TV).

  • Mistress is better than someone else's Partner

    Merlin is acting strange. What happened? A typical 'Middle Ages' male betrays Merlin. What does one change do? ****M Rated Warnings, Female Merlin, Mistress law *****I don't own Merlin(BBC)

  • Butterfly effect, inserted Fan

    Two fans get sucked into their favourite TV show. What will they and the SGC do? Will they change thing and what of the consequences? Transported /fall into Stargate SG-1 universe. A realistic story without exaggeration/overacting. ***Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis Challenge 2019 Fan-Insert &/or Characters watch their own series. *****Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate SG-1 or SG Atlantis.

  • Where is Harry?

    Harry Potter leaves Little Whinging. Small part to the main story "Grimms". ( net/s/13347199/1/Grimms ). ******Disclaimer: I don't own Grimm and Harry Potter.