Fite The Cat

  • Gears and Tears

    This is the story of a Toon named Kandase. Before you ask, yes, I know the right way to spell karma. I will be creating a sequel to this story. :) (Nevermind, it's terrible, I'm not uploading it) Please leave a review :D I've already finished the story, but to add a cliffhanger, I'm only adding one or two chapters a day. Rated K to be safe.

  • The First Cog I ever Faced

    Sorry, I had no idea what to call it XD but anyways, this story came to me in a dream, and I think it's pretty cool! My dream was so vivid, I remember everything, so please read my dream, slightly edited. PS This doesn't star Fite, so that's why I made that the cover. I think I was an orange puppy or bunny or something.

  • Escape From the Screen

    This is a really cool story, please read it. The beginning is slightly boring, but read on. It's awesome.

  • Guilty as Charged

    Flippy is arrested. Toontown is changed forever. Follow the story of a ragtag team of Toons that are going to save Toontown!

  • Murray X Alex

    Not the best name, but I'm going to change it later. Anyways, this is a story I've had for awhile. A story of two soulmates coming together, and... well, see for yourself. It's really short, but I'm getting to work on another as I type this. Bye!

  • Gears and Tears - Rewritten

    "Hello! I'm Kandase, it's pronounced like Candace. It's a funny way to spell the name, but hey, this is Toontown. I'm an orange cat. I had a pretty interesting adventure, and I'd love to tell the story, if you don't mind. So pull up a chair and I'll get started."

  • The Death Sentence

    Fite, in this story, is a bit of a troublemaker. She is stealing from the Cogs a lot, and at one point, she even gets turned into a Cog. But that's a story for another day. This is the story of... The Death Sentence. NOTE: This was made entirely from a roleplay I did with my friends, so it isn't like my other stories.

  • The Death of Toontown

    This is it, the end. Why did I write this story? Why am I doing this? I don't know, but if you would read it...

  • The Toontown Elections: Before and After

    This is the story of the TTR elections, of what happened before and after.