
  • What A Kiss Divulges

    Firenze holds the answers to everything. Lockhart has to prove to himself he is something, but whats more he wants answers, he wants to know the future. He wants Firenze.

  • The Dancing Stars: Take me higher

    Hermione Granger meets Peter Pan, who whisks her off to Neverland, but there may be a stowaway on this trip. DMHG or PPHG not sure yet.Rating higher then the other version: PG-13 version found under Peter Pan

  • Love Bites

    When Crystal a unnoticed Gryffendor gets bit by Lupin in her second year she gets sent home, but contrary whats she believes she is allowed to return...and just in time to fall in love with Harry Potter while he fights a battle for his life and hers.*New*

  • Horror in the night

    please, R&R Not exactly Rocky Horror pic show, well,it has a similar plot (whole alien thing)but with many twists!, D/H, H/G, R/?,V/AP,F/?, G/?, S/F, D/M