
  • Incubus

    Draco refuses to believe that he is the mate to Harry Potter. However, what is he supposed to do when he is dying without him?

  • His Precious Horcrux

    "You are mine, Harry, never forget that" Tom whispered silkily in his ear, his teeth nipping at his earlobe, making him shudder pleasantly "Your entire being, soul calls out to me. It knows that it belongs to me. Now, I only have to convince the mind." Tom smirked when Harry unwillingly leaned into his touch "Which shouldn't take long at all"

  • The Bet

    "I want you to make Potter believe that he is your mate. I will also make him believe that he is my mate, since we are both Dominant Veelas. Whoever captures his heart first, wins. Whoever doesn't is the loser. After one of us has captured his heart, we will try to get him into bed with us, and the next day break his heart, tell him everything."

  • Deaged Harry

    Neville Longbottom, as usual, messes up a potion in Snape's class, resulting in Harry being turned into a child. Draco is assigned to take care of him until he reaches his normal age again. When Harry is normal, will a friendship bloom between the pair of rivals?