A vaguely military secret team charged with protecting Earth from wormholes...meets a mostly military secret team charged with protecting Earth from wormholes. Chaos (and a lot of sarcasm) ensues.
We will walk out of this darkness, feel the spotlight glowing like a yellow sun. And when we fall, we fall together, till we get back up and we will rise as one. When the unthinkable happens, Earth's Rangers must band together to find a way to survive. This is a dark, post apocalyptic fic with character deaths. Be warned.
Trapped under those beams on the White House lawn, Charles makes a decision that will change the face of the mutant war. From a kink meme prompt.
After ten years alone, Erik is more than a little touch-starved. Being Erik, he can't actually bring himself to do anything about it... From a kink meme prompt.
"In as much as it is given to God, and God alone, to command such forces...all those found to control Abilities will be, in the least, imprisoned to stop the spread of their heresy...and at the most, released to the Divine Judgment of God. This shall be law wheresoever our Mother Church holds sway." -Church law, ratified 1587
Hank meant the serum to help people, to help Charles. But if Bolivar Trask has his way, it will mean the end of the race of mutants... From a kink meme prompt.
The second time around, Charles had help from an older, wiser him. But the first time around, he had to do it on his own. Kink meme fill.
"One hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf! I'm patient! I can wait!" A blink in the life of an elf - but rather more than that to a dwarf...