Clara Midwinter

  • Happenstance

    "Happenstance", from the English language; something coincidental, that happens by chance. Happenstance easily describes the moment in which Hermione Granger and Harry Potter find each other again after 15 long years, on the doorsteps of the village of Amberley's only primary school. Perhaps it's happenstance as well that they happen to find love, and two families become one. H/Hr.

  • Thistlewaite Street

    Post-Hogwarts. EWE. Two best friends verging on thirty move-in together, it's just more convenient in so many ways. Until it's not. A Harmony friends-to-lovers story.

  • How Far We've Come

    A companion piece to "Happenstance". Pre-Harmony. Hermione is still being tormented by nightmares and memories of the war, but Harry, her best friend has just the way of making her feel better even if he too still suffers. A fluffy piece that shows there can be light at the end of the tunnel, and though life is hard, it's worth living and flying through.

  • (the real one)

    It would be a big church thing, a beautiful white dress and maybe a veil, crowded with their friends and Kate's large Italian family. And here he lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking what the hell would he do with himself, without seeing or hearing her voice everyday. And then he heard the cries again.ABANDONED. RIP Perception.

  • Fifty

    He was a young man no more, but what type of man was he? James Bond retires and finds himself lost in a life where he doesn't quite belong. Long overdue middle age crisis, depression, scars visible and not. A deep love that has returned and prevails. This is James in search of James... and more. Being re-written.