
  • What Might Have Been

    While on the run from SHIELD, The Winter Soldier focuses on destroying the last of the HYDRA outposts. However, his final mission in DC goes wrong, and Bucky find himself in an alternate reality where there is no Captain America.

  • A Collection of Tumblr-inspired Vignettes

    A Collection of Tumblr-inspired Vignettes I have been soliciting short vignette prompts from the Stucky fans on Tumblr. This is a collection of short, one-short ficlets.

  • Sometimes the Best that We Can Do is to Start Over

    Bucky's recovery isn't going well. With increased violence outbursts and a debilitating case of PTSD, the Avengers must use a drastic measure to save Bucky's fate.

  • Puzzle Pieces

    Just a quick ficlet, following The Winter Soldier after the events in CATWS