

  • Gigolo

    The blog of the one and only, yours truly, although my own entirely, Draco Malfoy. Yes, I'm delightful and it's about time to make the world see the joy that is me. Rating and genre may change in the future, you'll never know what I come up with.

  • Dealing with Nightmares

    A story about a girl with a nightmare, and two boys - one, who noticed and one, who didn't. AU.

  • Of Unintended Invitations

    Under the influence of intense boredom, Draco Malfoy catches himself doing the unthinkable: asking the She-Weasley out.

  • My Favourite Shade of Black

    Ginny stumbles across young Sirius Black on an unfamiliar muggle street. Somehow the situation doesn't seem real, but she chooses to go with it. Could it be that definitions of real should be revised?

  • Misery Business

    Theodore learns that the line between love and friendship can also be the line between heartbreak and happiness. When is crossing that line worth the risk? A story about hopes, realizations and a different side of Ginny.

  • When Logic Fails

    Ginny discovers that not everything comes down to logic. Sometimes what you feel counts more.

  • Potatoes

    "..his eyes rather followed her movements than the text on the page." It begins in one warm summer evening in the back garden of the Burrow. What do potatoes have to do with romance?

  • Living in the Moment

    Hermione, Charlie, some wine and a moment. My second fic. Reviews are welcome.

  • Catching the Flu

    Written for the Twin Exchange May challenge. Fred's thougths of his wife and flu.