

  • Once Upon A Time

    Once, they had been inseparable.

  • Sanctuary

    It was Hogwarts - a safe haven, a sanctuary. It was a place for students seeking to learn. No Death Eater had a place there.

  • Funeral

    He was alone. Two were dead, one had killed them. He was all that was left.

  • Wedding

    With a family the size of theirs, and that said family's history, what were the odds that they'd ever have a normal wedding?

  • Control

    Because in the end, it was he who had control over her.

  • Nightmare

    In one day, all the worst things that he could imagine happened. It was not a nightmare.

  • Stolen

    They had destroyed her. They had taken the sweet sugar from her memory, allowing death to steal the spice, to steal everything she had that had made her Lily.

  • Human

    Because that was all he was, and no one seemed to care enough to acknowledge it.

  • Mine

    But was he, really? Was he really ever hers?

  • Hufflepuff

    Because when it comes down to it, you should chose what's right.

  • Photograph

    She was his reason for fighting. He would protect her legacy with his final breath.

  • Insomnia

    Luna lies awake in Ravenclaw Tower, wondering what has happened to her life.