

  • Interview with the Past

    Jack and Sam get a chance to clear out the past with an interview that might change the way people look at them. (Give it a try, I am awful bad summarizing)

  • Silencio

    Una version distinta del ultimo capitulo de Sanctuary. Ligeramente distinta a la version en ingles (Silence)

  • Shopping with a shopping hater

    Fun at the mall(?) ...

  • Sing with me

    The girls push Haruka to enter to a singing competition even tough they never heard her sing before. Haruka and Michiru as couple. Rated to be on the safe side of swearing (oopsiee)

  • Once Upon a Time

    This story starts like every other love story, with the birth of the two lovers and like every other fairy tale it gets twisted and proof that loves right; but this one is free of fairies and most definitively isn't a tale… But for the sakes of it; let's start at the beginning….