
  • Assassin's Creed: Bloodline

    Malika Kennedy. Desmond Miles. Two young bloodline assassins. Both wanting to leave behind the Brotherhood. Why? They believe everyone is crazy. That the Templars no longer exist. So they run, far, far away. Making new lives for themselves. Hiding. What happens to end this? Well you'll have to read to find out. (Does follow the games at least somewhat.)

  • One-shots

    This is where I'm storing all my old one-shots so they all have one home. Any others I write will go here as well no matter the content. They will have appropriate ratings or go in with their own drabble sets (if they are for Resident Evil, Final Fantasy XIII, etc.)

  • Drabbles for Resident Evil

    Here is the drabble set for Resident Evil. I'll be posting anything here for it until either I am happy with my writing or until I get enough material that I feel a full story is warranted.

  • Drabble sets for FFXIII

    This will include all stories that are cross-overs as well as stand-alones till I'm ready to write for them again or I come up with enough to warrant a full story.

  • Voltron Legendary Defenders: Twins of Red

    Voltron, a fighting force for the good of the Universe. What happens if one of the 2nd generation of Paladins has a twin? What would change or would things stay the same? Read to find out.

  • Power Rangers: Dragonic Fury (Hiatus)

    This is the story of the rise of yet another team of Rangers. The Dragonic Fury Rangers. Children of our favorite Rangers take up the mantle and the legacy of their parents. This is their story! GO GO POWER RANGERS! DRAGONIC FURY MORPH! Red, Yellow, Blue, Pink, Green, Gold, Black, White, Silver Dragon Morph! T for swearing, bashing may happen, MPreg implied, and MalexMale.

  • Hawaii Five-0: Mai Hawai'i mai me ke aloha!

    (From Hawaii with Love (S1)) When you throw two Navy SEALs, a fresh officer, and a former HPD member together on a task force things can get crazy, especially if one of the SEALs doesn't wanna talk about her past, and doesn't want people to know she's a SEAL. Drama, Family, Crime, Adventure, and McDanno. Anyway hope y'all enjoy! AU!

  • FFXIV ONLINE: A New Warrior of Light!

    Eorzea, a place where heroes are made and dreams are borne. If thy will is to be something great, then thou must work for it. Become one who maketh thy own destiny and thy own dreams. Become a Warrior of Truth and Justice, one of the Light. This story will hold intrigue and interest, want, and desires. The hope of Races and Nations. THis is FFXIV Online: A New Warrior of Light!

  • Avengers

    This takes place throughout all the MCU. Done in current chronological order from CA: TFA to SM: FFH, this runs through them all. OCs will be featured, with one being centralized through. There will be some minor bashing, but it won't be major. Bromance, LGBTQ will be featured, etc. Don't like then why waste your time reading. Seriously? Currently Rated T, might climb to M later.

  • Assassin's Creed: A New Bloodline (Hiatus)

    What if Desmond was not the only descendant of Assassins that the Templars were after? What if there was another bloodline as old as his? What if that bloodline was through Malik Al'Sayf? sister in all but blood to Desmond Miles. Can Desmond and Malika stay safe from the Templars? Rated T for a lot of things, but may later change to M.

  • Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Hiatus)

    What would happen if there was not just 9 in the Fellowship? What if there was 11 and what if those 2 were females? What would happen if Aragorn did not fall for Arwen? Complete insanity might ensue from this so read at your own risk. This is book 1 of 3 for the Lord of the Rings. I dont own anything except my oc and any plot changes. LegolasXOC and AragornxOC.