
  • Prince of the Desert

    Harry dies of a disease and reincarnates as Doran Martell. He will live this life at its fullest. He will became a pioneer in many fields: navigation, technology, art... Careful Planetos the Renaissance is here.

  • The King of Winter

    AU Robb Stark. Genius, more ambitious Robb with elements of historical figures as Julius Caesar, Leonardo Da Vinci and Alexander the Great. Robb Stark had always wanted to make his family proud, to be the perfect heir and brother. He tried his best to strengthen his kingdom and prepare for the nightmare ahead.

  • A shinobi in Westeros

    Owen died. Then a god appeared. And suddenly he finds himelf in Westeros as a Senju. WTF! "Help! I dont know how to use my chakra!"

  • Itachi Shinden (Self Insert)

    Self Insert as Itachi Uchiha. MC does not have any knowledge about NArutoverse

  • Rea Black y el tiempo pasado,

    Dorea Black-Potter deprimida por como resulto su vida toma la decisión de cambiarlo todo. Viaja a otra época y crea se una nueva identidad. Cuidado mundo Dorea Pendragón esta aqui y va a cambiarlo todo! Fem Harry.

  • Una tormenta negra

    Cassiopeia Black es la última sobreviviente de La Noble y Ancestral Casa de los Black. Su vida estuvo repleta de desafios. Fue secuestrada a los 3 años por Dumbledore y de-edad a un bebe, borrando sus recuerdos y dada a los Potter. No lo tuvo facil pero al final triunfo en la vida. Ahorra tiene la oportunidad de cambiarlo todo. Pero ¿quiere hacerlo? FemHarry. TimeTravel