
  • Luna's Christmas V

    Luna vs Christmas, but life is settling down. To a certain extent.

  • Research in Higher Magical Learning

    Educated minds have sought to expand the depths of learning. Arcane sciences, crypto-zoology, and minor essays in the magical races all require the greatest minds to focus. This collection of the works created by comrades throughout history are essential for the understanding of the world around us. Made in conjunction with LeadVonE's Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches.

  • Luna's Christmas IV

    Harry attempts to keep a Christmas Eve safe, sane, and above all, free of Luna's shenanigans. Once more, an entry for my Luna's Christmas series, based on LeadVonE's Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches. Reading that before this will give you any missing background information.

  • Luna's Christmas: Year Three

    It is Christmas once again, and Luna has promised to be good. She always keeps her promises. Right?

  • The Forgotten Hero Takes a Holiday

    Harry loses his memory and is sent to Australia. Shenanigans ensue. Challenge response to Grimjaw on the Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches Discord.

  • Dumbledore's Interference?

    Dumbledore's efforts in improving things, as viewed by the victims. Subjects. Writing challenge from Grimjaw. Non-canon, or perhaps canonical if everything Dumbledore tried had actually worked.

  • Contest One Shots

    A reserve area for the various one-shots I utilize as contest entries for multiple areas. I write what I like, and if I get to have fun, why don't you? No particular order, just random one-shots from all over.

  • An Accident in Shangri-La

    A somewhat lighthearted look at modern events, a possible past look at how things happened the way they did. Set pre-Hogwarts, supposed to be during James and Lily Potter's honeymoon.

  • Time Traveler's Life

    The Department of Mysteries was empty. Abandoned. Harry Potter and his friends entered and left without seeing a single Unspeakable. But what if one Operative had stayed? This is the tale of Temporal Operative U-15, and his very *very* long day. Beta assistance from Miss Leader and Aich. Much thanks.

  • Intent

    What if Intent was as powerful as Dumbledore made it out to be? What if almost no one paid attention to it? A short story on the one individual who did, and how he benefited. One-shot, might be useful for a lot of things later. A little study on how Intent in magic is an entirely underutilized concept.

  • For the Greater Good of the Accounts

    The Goblins have their own version of what constitutes as the Greater Good. Short but fun.

  • The Grindelwald Campaign

    Albus Percival Wulfric Dumbledore's fame for defeating Grindelwald is a matter of legendary history. But few cover that era ... until now.

  • Book Night at the Library

    Irma Pince oversees the Library of Hogwarts. It is a magical library - no. It's a Magical Library, and requires oversight on certain evenings.

  • Memoria

    In regards of the day, Dumbledore journeys to a place that brings back sobering memories.

  • Warding for Beginners

    Wherein we cover the basic introductory material requisite for the beginning wardmaster.

  • Luna's Christmas

    It's nearing Christmas, and Luna has a strange request for Harry ...

  • Gamp's Law Defined

    A small work defining one of the few rules of magic given in the canon series. Or is it canon? You decide.

  • Intervention

    The First War: Open battle has joined. Skirmishes are popping up, and James Potter is in the middle of one. This describes such a skirmish, and what combat in Voldermort's initial rise to power could have looked like. Rated T for violence.

  • Family of Seers

    Luna has lost the Gift, but is she worse off than before? omake for Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches.

  • Tricks and Wiles

    Harry, as Lord Slytherin, needs money. But how to get it? Written for Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches group. Also written in two parts.