Lady Synn Oropherion

  • Loki's Death

    What happens to Sigyn after Thanos's attack and kills Loki

  • Epilogue Leaving Loki2

    Sigyn tells Loki to shove it.

  • Leaving Loki

    Has Sigyn reached her breaking point?

  • Elentari

    Sigyn doesn't feel worthy of being Thranduil's Tari anymore

  • Lunar Rainbow

    A chance to see the Lunar Rainbow again

  • Origins

    Why Thranduil and Loki hate each other

  • Legolas's Mother

    Sigyn spirits her son to Mirkwood to save his life

  • Will They or Won't They?

    When the Elf she loves is in danger she will break laws to help him

  • Dandelion Wine

    After a fierce battle Loki and Thor take Sigyn to Alfheim get the Elven King's help

  • Saving Snape

    Hermione decides to use the last Time-Turner to save her husband

  • First Kiss

    Hermione shares her first kiss with Snape. This is a Hermione/Snape pairing. Don't like the pairing don't read