After surviving the Killing Curse from Voldemort, little Harry Potter is unwittingly rescued from the clutches of Albus Dumbledore by a muggle Frenchwoman. Growing up in Paris, Harry's life is turned upside down by Dumbledore's plots and his subsequent move to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, where his enrolment promises a far from peaceful life.
Death Eaters attack the Quidditch World Cup. In the ensuing chaos, Harry is separated from his friends. He chances upon Bulgarian seeker Viktor Krum, and saves him from an early death. As they escape into the woods, an unexpected relationship between two celebrities, both yearning for a normal life in a world where extraordinary things always happen, begins. (Harry/Viktor fanfic)
5-year-old Harry Potter kills his abusive relatives in cold blood. He disappears without a trace, only to reappear at Hogwarts for his first year. But he is not the golden Boy-Who-Lived everyone has thought him out to be. Watch out magical Britain, you are in for a rude shock from a Harry with street-smart brains, an icy heart and a broken soul. (Eventual Harry/Cedric pairing)