

  • Fifteen: A Lattimer Legacy

    Eighteen year old twins Martin and Leena Lattimer are ready to move on with their lives now that high school is done, especially after a decade of being emotionally cut off by a mother paralyzed with grief. An internship at the Smithsonian leads to a world of endless wonder... Lattimers next generation :)

  • The End and The Beginning

    As it ends... so it begins. A short Pyka piece set after Endless Wonder. Stand alone but could also be seen as a prequel to 'Fifteen'. :) Mainly Pete and Myka but short appearances by most of the gang.

  • The Night After

    Set the night of S05 E06, Pete and Myka follow up on their declared love. One-shot only. Pyka all the way. This is my first time publishing on this site so please let me know if I've done anything wrong.