
  • Synergy

    By a visitor reader request. This new story is being tackled as a sequel to Contamination, an Earth 2 TV series story that resolves the aired cliff hanger episode, All About Eve, that I wrote and posted to the site here about three years ago. No summary will be written for this one to prevent spoilers as this story will be driving deeper into the new plot begun in Contamination.

  • Six Nature Poems

    Written over three decades, moods and styles differing. I am not a poet, more like a random verse creator. Some of these were made into Youtube videos. Kind of fun to make. Take from these what you will. LOL.

  • Vignette-That Timeless Limbo-When A Writer Relates To His Character

    Breaking the sixth (television) wall. Dialog exercise. Trying to pin down that ethereal quality that any writer has with his chosen world and realm of characters on paper.