Roku - Molester of Science

  • Wasteland Magick-Man

    Martin never wanted a life of excitement. At most, he wanted recognition for his studies into the properties of pseudo-arcane components implemented into advanced alchemy. For his troubles, he was given exactly what he wanted the least, but perhaps needed the most. He just wished he'd been allowed to change out of his lab-robes first.

  • Talia - Fires of Ferelden

    The Mage-Four manage to botch a simple scroll, and are sent a thousand miles the wrong direction. Before they know what's happening, Talia and Onmund are assumed Apostates, while Brelyna and J'zargo are nowhere to be found. Ferelden does not make a good first impression. Non-Dragonborn-fic.

  • The Aspect of Fire - Book II - Incursions

    [Sequel to 'The Aspect of Fire - Book I - Interventions'] Roku and Thomas together stopped Nazara and Saren, thus postponing the invasion of the galaxy. Now, as the Harbinger makes his next move, the remainders of the Normandy's ground-team attempts to recover from the attack on their ship. An interlude of two years.