Ice The Lone Wolf

  • ObsCure

    For some time now, Leafmore High School has been the setting for unexplained disappearances. A group of students try to unravel the mysterious happenings at this unremarkable-looking school. The night will be long and survival will not be easy...

  • Anything Can Happen

    A band going for world tour to multiverse tour! Follow the weird, wacky, and @%ED up adventures of Skull Throb! (a/n: Please R&R! Also might turn to M later on!)

  • Blood

    A very special group of... Soldiers... (a/n: Hey sorry for not updating or anything in a while, Enjoy! R&R)

  • Team Killer

    From the producers of:Hilltop high, In the Dark, and New to Jasper high... Team killer... Warning: strong language, blood, gore, and drug and alcohol usage (high chance this may become M) (Co. writers: Alpha Andrew and Easton the Zeta)