
  • A Love Forbidden: Cullen's Story

    Cullen is a man torn between his duty to the Chantry and his infatuation for a mage named Sabrina. When she is conscripted into the Grey Wardens, he is both relieved and heartbroken. But his whole world is turned upside down when the Knight-Commander sends him with the Grey Wardens to watch over the mage. Will he be able to resist temptation? Or will he remain true to his oath?

  • The True Tale of The Fifth Blight

    When an archdemon calls and darkspawn roam free in the world, no one remains unaffected. It is in these dark times that the most unlikely heroes will rise to rail against the shadows of a tainted land to protect those who are unable to protect themselves. This is the tale of such heroes. This is where their story begins. Book One of Kings and Queens of Promise

  • Dark Before the Dawn

    Archangel is trapped with no way out, and the mercenary groups are closing in. He knows this is the final battle of his life and he is prepared to die, taking as many of the scum out with him as he can...until he sees a ghost in the scope of his rifle.

  • The Fish Tank

    Nicci Shepard has no idea what prompted her to buy all those fish the last time she was on the Citadel, but now that they're floating at the top of the tank in her quarters, they have become a real problem. One she intends to make someone else's problem.

  • Not a Single Teardrop

    A bouquet of white lilies on the desk and Leandra has gone missing. Anders is an eyewitness to the most tragic event in Hawke's life.

  • Never Too Late

    Kelsey Hawke travels to the Rivaini capital to meet up with the friends she hasn't seen for over a year, but there is one person she has missed in particular that she hopes will be there.

  • Leave Out All The Rest

    One shot based on the Linkin Park song. The night before the tragic event that would begin the war between mages and templars, Anders contemplates his life and wonders how he will be remembered.

  • Let The Flames Begin: The Final Entry of Anders' Manifesto

    The last journal entry, written the evening before Anders' greatest act of defiance. Based on the Paramore song, "Let The Flames Begin".

  • Let The Flames Begin- The Final Entry of Anders' Manifesto

    The last journal entry, written the evening before Anders' greatest act of defiance. Based on the Paramore song, "Let The Flames Begin".

  • My Immortal

    Distraught by the memory of the only woman he ever loved, Cullen finds a reason to go on. Based on my previous fic, A Love Forbidden: Cullen's Story and the song, "My Immortal" by Evanescence.

  • Finding Freedom

    In the last moments of his life, Anders finally knows freedom.

  • Not A Single Teardrop

    A bouquet of white lilies on the desk and Leandra has gone missing. Anders is an eyewitness to the most tragic event in Hawke's life. AU, but follows the spirit and feel of the original scene. Characters from Embracing Destiny

  • A Heart Given In Silence

    A short about how Malcolm Hawke first saw Leandra Amell while attempting to escape Kirkwall. This story is part of the Embracing Destiny universe.