
  • Mistakes

    What if Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter meet on the first day at Hogwarts and they become friends? Read how Harry and Draco deal with war, rumours and school as they grow up together in the world they live in.

  • The Secret

    Draco Malfoy has a secret no one can know about. But when Hermione Granger finds out about it, how does he feel? Find out by reading!

  • His Childhood

    SPOILER WARNING A longer version of the Prince's Tale with a few tweaks. Does Severus end up with Lily this time? Maybe, maybe not.

  • Keep Me Alive: A Dramione Story

    Draco doesn't want to be a Death Eater and his father is furious with him. Even worse, he is Head Boy. Guess who's Head Girl? You know it, Hermione Granger.